Initiative for Sustainable Energy


Recent News

The Initiative for Sustainable Energy (ISE) is pleased to announce the continuation of the Seed Funding Program, and solicits internal seed-project proposals in areas related to the three research thrusts of the ISE: renewable energy, sustainable fuels/materials, and energy efficiency.
News from ISE

ISE Seed Research Awards for 2023-2024

The Initiative for Sustainable Energy (ISE) announced the inaugural Seed Research Awards for 2023. This represents a total investment of over $400,000 by Brown University in early-stage innovative faculty research with the potential to attract significant external funding, and have a broad impact in the area of sustainable energy.
News from ISE

Padture elected 2023 MRS Fellow

Brown University’s Otis E. Randall Professor of Engineering Nitin Padture has been elected to the class of 2023 Fellows by the Materials Research Society (MRS). Padture was cited ‘for sustained and distinguished contributions to materials research in the areas of advanced composites, high-temperature coatings, and emerging photovoltaics, and outstanding leadership and service to the broader materials community.’