Initiative for Sustainable Energy

Initiative for Sustainable Energy

The imperative for the Initiative for Sustainable Energy (ISE) is to expand and raise the visibility of existing energy science and engineering research; catalyze new collaborations across the campus to pursue expanded resources for research that addresses unmet technology needs; and build partnerships for education and practice in future energy systems both inside and outside Brown University.

The ISE drives breakthrough technological innovations and prepares leaders for a secure, equitable, and sustainable zero-carbon energy future. Focusing on renewable energy, sustainable fuels / materials, and energy efficiency, our work is informed by, and is attentive to, the needs of industry, consumers, and the natural environment, as well as the communities that deal directly with the inequities embedded in the existing fossil-energy system. The ISE is a hub that drives regional zero-carbon energy innovation and action, with regional, national and global impact.

Our primary mission is to activate research and educate future leaders in sustainable zero-carbon energy solutions.


Information about the ISE leadership, faculty members, faculty affiliates and administrative coordinator.
Meet the People


Faculty Members Across 4 Departments/Schools


Faculty Affiliates Across 7 Departments

Connect with ISE


Initiative for Sustainable Energy (ISE)
Brown University
School of Engineering
Box D / 184 Hope Street
Providence, RI 02912


(401) 863-5505
